Great conversations.

I collected Kav from school to visit the dentist, followed by a treat and a shopping trip.

I have no control

I love our conversations. Her English is developing at a pace.

This week we discussed: ‘I’m being positive not negative’. I’m not sure where that came from — probably from one of mother hen nags.

Separately.. Coming of age, old man (grandad/dad) ‘going round the houses’ eggs, mammals, babies, pregnancy, (not too much detail mind) eventually using the local term ‘date’ only for madam to say: ‘you mean period.’ I’ve so much to learn

Careless treeless.

When is someone going to get a grip and do something about the wanton destruction of our wonderful trees?

We’ll regret it but by then it will be too late.

This teams job is to trim trees but were stopped removing it. The house owner needs some advice to check that the tree roots are not irreparably damaging his house beyond his driveway.

If we get it wrong people die and trees are unnecessarily destroyed.

Unfortunate tragedies like this are used as grounds to destroy perfectly healthy trees

What’s the answer?

Specialist advice?

Education of the benefits of retaining trees.

Tree protection?

Hanging out Srirangapatnam

Here to prep the cycles for a student tour in two days.

I’m now sitting on the most unusual steps by the bathing ghats, which are featured on our Srirangaptnam tour.

With various characters walking by

I was previously innocently sitting at the bottom of the tree.

A wanderer asked where I was from and then … am I a bachelor. No reward for guessing what that means. I’m married whilst pointing to manjula’s tattoo.


I’m appreciating wonderful views, whilst trying to ignore, in both locations, the wafting aroma of the evidence of defecating in the outdoors.

The juxtaposition of India.

We had a great tour last week, Brits, birds (they’re twitchers) and not especially smelly

Getting addicted

There’s most definitely withdrawal

But it’s pleasurable

The evidence is …. In my Hanging out with Kaveri and her ‘sister’ Radikha.

I’d collected Kaveri from school to go to a Mysore Storytellers event but rain put a stop to that.

Chess lesson after receiving a new book to learn in ten minutes. I ask you. Ten minutes ….. I began learning chess at Kaveri’s age and still picking it up.
The girls out walking
A final Ice cream at Polar Bear

The wonderful people that provided the ice cream for this year’s event on Manjula’s Birthday in August, promoting creativity at Kaveri’s school

Then back to school

I only get 24 hours but it’s wonderful.

Tipping point (and disconnection).

I’m rereading this book.

“Transactive memory is part of what intimacy means….. it is the loss of this kind of joint memory that helps to make divorce so painful. .. They once were able to discuss their experiences to reach a shared understanding…. The loss of transactive memory feels like losing a part of one’s own mind.” Page 189

I can vouch for that and more, having ‘lost’ the two women Liz and MAnjula—Manjula and Liz, that were so critically important to me in my life.

There’s much in this book to recommend it.

Now in Manjula’s library