Kaveri’s Summer camp

It’s been a gas.

A challenge.

Kaveri stayed with me, for the summer school holiday, almost two months. We were ably assisted by the wonderful Ilaria, our workawayer from Italy

The idea was to engage her with a whole series of activities to see which worked.

They all did

With her sister aka auntie

Our second time in 2023

You are not alone

It’s June and a new book has arrived for Manjula’s library. After over four years you’d think I’d stopped buying such books but far from it.

It’s another refreshing look at this challenging new life.

It reminds and reinforces that yes I could and should invite people to come share their stories.

If you get to the end of this posting and no 1 you’re still awake and 2 it resonates with you experiencing something similar and you might want to gain and provide support, then join our meeting.

This book is just the catalyst I’ve needed.

The first bit explains it well.

Here it is…

I’ve your interested please write directly or follow the link to yet another boring google form.


PS I’m about to go on holiday to the disunited kingdom so I’ll get in touch on my return probably not before September.

Arty Tarty

We piloted an idea to introduce young dynamic artists to children at Kaliyuvamane who remained at school during the summer holiday.

Young people doing fab things.

In August 2023 on what would have been Manjula’s 50th birthday, the artists will return to the school with all the young people there for a full day of creativity.

Who knows where it might lead


Kaveri is now attending Kaliyuvamane and living there most of the year.

Finding your passion…

From this weeks ‘reflective space’

A recurring theme in our conversations is how options are limited. For example parents and teachers encouraging young people towards certain professions/jobs regardless of their personal preference or inclination.

Combined with peer pressure, and ‘the system’ itself, it’s a major problem around the world

This book is a critical read to help someone gain the confidence to find their passion.

I found mine. At age 66, I can look back at all my careers and see the thread of where I’ve found opportunities to fulfil my needs and make that connection.

It’s helped me find my fit, feel valued and as if I’m making a difference. It’s not about making money.

Ken Robinson the author of this book gave a TED talk about education and how it’s not ‘fit for purpose’ in helping educate us in ways that suits us and meets our needs (or society’s for that matter). Here it is

Wish to join our conversations? then let us know . Please follow the link to get involved.


Creating Space

for dialogues that help us

Make connections

Promote personal development

Share alternate views

We’re launching regular meetings

We’ve held a few informal meetings in the last year.

Todays was yet another great opportunity for insightful conversations.

We’re now going to hold regular monthly (still informal) meetings starting in September.

They are intended for young people and those young at heart. They are convened and vaguely facilitated by Stephen.

Who knows where it will lead, we’ve already covered a range of political, philosophical, cultural, community and personal issues in open conversation.

It will also provide opportunities to get involved with other Manjula’s Mysore projects.

Meetings will provide a safe reflective space.

We invite you to get involved and suggest other projects you’d like to see developed.

Please follow the link and complete the form if you’re interested in joining a group and have your own suggestions.

There will be two groups:

Monthly meetings with like minded people open to anyone who chooses to attend and drop in.

Monthly meetings over six months of individuals (hopefully also like minded) who choose to join, agree to attend every meeting and be active participants. Objectives and subjects will be set by the members at the first meeting. It’s known as a learning set. Numbers are limited.

Individual meetings might also be possible

Access to Manjula’s Library

Let us know on the form which your interested. We’ll inform you if the learning set will go ahead and if there’s a place available for you.

Future dialogues might be available at school, colleges or work, let’s see.

Who we are

Manjula’s Mysore in addition to mycycle tours and Mysore Bed and Breakfast organises and supports events to serve our community and reflect the goodness that was MAnjula.

So far we’ve organised an event for forty visually impaired young women, gifted bicycles, taken people on holiday, provided meals for elders, shared knowledge through Manjula’s library and meetings, sponsored two children, and facilitated team learning.

Set up by Stephen and other friends it celebrates MAnjula and continues her good work. More details are on both our web sites, various places on Facebook and even on Instagram.

Check ManjulasMysore meandmycycle

Dialogues : Making Connections

Over the last year we’ve occasionally had small gatherings at our house for young people.

It’s included people from their late teens to early adult but it’s open and not specific, conversations are in English and all it requires is an open mind accepting of others and their opinions.

It’s flexible.

It’s resulted in stimulating insightful conversations

We meet again this month to decide how to take it forward.

If you’re in Mysore and interested write to me at




… her, as she’s back at school

A nine year old and a sixty six year old being together for over two months is a wonderful mix of experiences and emotions.

At times it’s been a challenge but wouldn’t change it…

On the way to school she asked if I’d visit this Sunday; within minutes — after being greeted by friends — it had changed to ‘a’ Sunday.

I will visit this Sunday and exchange pictures.

Here’s mine.

Thank you Kaveri for being you and invading my life.